Wilderness Rapture

Wilderness Rapture

Craig Foster, from the documentary My Octopus Teacher, was on his morning ocean swim in the Great African Seaforest when suddenly he spotted a giant 17 x 14-foot stingray, the largest species in the world. Keeping his movements steady and vibrations low—essential given a sting from their spine can be fatal—Craig glided alongside this giant creature for 10 minutes in the raging Atlantic Ocean.

Craig describes these moments as being inside nature, fully connected to the wild. It’s a connection he has sought his entire life, giving him a sense of balance, presence and a feeling of being at home. This experience is often referred to as Wilderness Rapture—an extraordinary sense of joy and peace of mind that comes from being deeply connected to nature. It’s usually coupled with improvements in attention, mood and overall wellbeing.

Attention Restoration Theory is one psychological explanation for the cause of Wilderness Rapture, suggesting that nature effortlessly engages our attention, allowing the mind to recover from cognitive fatigue. However, there seems to be something profoundly mystical that occurs in our psyche when we’re in nature—something that transcends science.

So, how do we activate this connection with nature?

Craig argues that it’s not the abundance of nature that matters but our ability to find intimacy with the natural world that we have around us. For those in cities, this might mean developing curiosity about a single tree—observing how it changes with the seasons, what animals interact with it, what insects live there. The more you notice, the more nature reveals its inner workings and the more connected we feel.

Wilderness Rapture soothes the soul while fuelling us to perform at our best in daily life. So ask yourself, what action can you take today to rekindle your relationship with nature? I’m off for a walk in the park.

Part of Short Tales of Psychologya series about interesting humans and the psychological lessons we can apply to enhance our mental wellbeing and optimise performance.

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